Tomorrow I will abandon myself to sleep, ignore the light that floods the room, ignore the people chating about outside this four walls.
When I wake, my heart will break, for you are not here, and my tears won't bring you home. All I can do to soothe this pain is sleep and dream of a reality where you are next to me.
I can't search for you, I can't leave this room.
I place my hands on the latch locked tightly shut, I trace it's shape with my fingertips. Locked! It's cold against my skin. I trace the shape of the door, that leads to some unknown place. I lay down wishing you would come and open it again.
This stillness, and this day mocks me for my restlessness. Nothing happens between these four walls unless you are here. The loneliness is pressing down on me hard, suffocating.
After listening to Dir en Grey's Glass Skin (Japanese version) for far to long I was suddenly inspired to take many many story themed photos, but I only managed to take these.
Morgan gets terribly lonely when his master is out and up to no good. He stays locked in his master's room by choice, and would probably attack anyone who opens the door an is not his beloved.
Head: MNF Sleeping Scar Breakaway
Body: DOC type 2 boy body (Satoshi's)
Wig: limited from Leeke;
Shirt: Crobidoll.
As pissed of as I am on Leeke, I have to admit that I love how that wig looks in photos and how the colors differ slightly from sunlight to other light.
Oh dear T.T Ashiaa can understand your feelings! Poor little thing :(