Tuesday, July 30, 2013
[Week of Damie]Tuesday: Not that small
Monday, July 29, 2013
[Week of Damie]Monday: Animes and crushes

And so the forth week starts with the loudest and most cheerful character of them all, Damie.
When watching an anime with Damie, he will pose like his favorite characters....
Sunday, July 28, 2013
[Week of Satoshi] Sunday: Crossdressing
I love the way this wig looks with his hair.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
[Week of Satoshi] Saturday: Butterfly Kisses
I love these two, they always look so good together. And I did not expect Ruha to look so good without his old face up.
[Week of Satoshi] Friday: Caged blues
I've had the photos prepare, luckily they needed no editing, and ready to post... I just forgot :D
Thursday, July 25, 2013
[Week of Satoshi] Wednesday: Repetitive Blue
This is completely on time, I am by no means 2 hours late.Oh no no...
I made it a recurrent theme, the blue wig, as much as I dislike it's horrible texture and cap, the color is too beautiful to resist.
I should have taken "behind the scenes" photos for this shot, it would have been too funny with the box, lamp and everything.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
[Week of Satoshi] Tuesday: Blinds
Severely uninspired this week.
Monday, July 22, 2013
[Week of Satoshi] Monday: Pink Flowers
Another week, another character.
And what do I do when I lack inspiration? Random portraits.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
[Week of Morgan] Sunday: Night in the woods

Trying to escape both the boredom of a class field trip and the mean comments of his classmates, Morgan ran, escaped to the woods close to the camp.
[Week of Morgan] Saturday: Ballerina
Only one this time, I don't really want to edit the other shots, even tho they turned out well.
Friday, July 19, 2013
[Week of Morgan] Friday : Beads
Beads, beads from the fairy jar everywhere...
Thursday, July 18, 2013
[Week of Morgan] Thursday: Potions
When darkness falls over the small, stuffy room, a short blue haired wizard gathers his ingredients and starts working on his potions.
[Week of Morgan] Wednesday : Short road trip

I didn't have time at all today to get my camera out today and take interesting pictures, but I took my Morgan on the small road trip me and my brother took today towards a little town near mine where my grandma lives.
But tomorrow... decent photo shoot and pen pall reply because damn I am late with that.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
[Week of Morgan] Tuesday: Puppies in wigs
Morgan has his dorky moments when he dresses in unfashionable old oversize sweaters and tries on random wigs.
[Week of Morgan] Monday: Turquoise
Another week another character.
I've had Morgan locked inside that box for so long I almost forgot how much I love him, my cute little model. He usually goes to photo shoots with his twin, but not this week.
Monday, July 15, 2013
[Week of Vlad] Sunday: Flowery Pinks
Not what originally I had in mind, but surprisingly almost all shots turned out cute and Vlad does secretly love flowers.
I just love how this turned out.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
[Week of Vlad] Satutday: Simple
This is all for today.
I had so many plans for today, but I did nothing. I wanted to paint my lovely Ducan head, do an awesome photo shoot for today. So many plans and all I came up is one simple photo, because I had to get really sick and had to stay in bed :(
Tomorrow will not be a creative day either... *sighs*
Friday, July 12, 2013
[Week of Vlad] Friday: Long blue
I have a love-hate relationship with that blue Leeke wig, which is not for Vlad's head at all, but daaaamn it looks so good on him. The blue looks so lovely with the orange and pinks.
Vlad: "If Thany can be red, then I might as well be blue."
[ Week of Vlad] Thursday: Alone in a place full of people
Half an hour late because I got lost after I took a friend home, I even left the town for a few minutes. I am so lost in space.
Vlad tends to be quite the loner, he doesn't have many friends, so he spends the breaks from classes alone with a book or sketching, ignoring people and being ignored.There are many stories I can write many stories about this, but it's late and I'm tired.
I really like how this turned out ☺
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
[Week of Vlad] Wednesday: Make the nightmares go away
Phew I made it in time!
Just these two photos today, it was raining when I got home so the light was horrible and I didn't have the necessary time and mood to bother with the lamps.
Despite being one of the brattiest person in my bunch... despite being mean and brutally honest, Vlad is an incredible older brother, he knows how to make Mischa's horrible nightmares go away, he's loving and caring and a lot of fun... only around his brothers.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
[Week of Vlad] Tuesday: It's not just black and white
Two down, five to go. I have to think about something nice for tomorrow. Can't wait for Thursday when I'm home all day and can do something more time consuming and dramatic.
Monday, July 8, 2013
[Week of Vlad] Monday : Eyelashes and Lips
Yay for natural lighting, because it shows off his freckles and I don't have to do much to the photos, except crop and resize. Also this took less that I thought it would.
Summer plans
University is finally over for the summer, all exams and classes passed with good marks, only work left but that isn't taking up that much time, only 20 hours a week. With all this free time on my hands I thought I should do something more creative and productive, rather than just watch random TV shows and play games all day long.
Starting today, I plan on taking at least one decent photo each day of a doll and post it here.
Because I plan to have all my doll characters figured out until September, decide which I want to keep and what needs to change, I decided to dedicate a week to each doll.
Other than that I have to finish modding the Luts even heads which I started too long ago, paint three SD heads, sew a couple of outfits and sort through those I don't need and sell them off.
Starting today, I plan on taking at least one decent photo each day of a doll and post it here.
Because I plan to have all my doll characters figured out until September, decide which I want to keep and what needs to change, I decided to dedicate a week to each doll.
Other than that I have to finish modding the Luts even heads which I started too long ago, paint three SD heads, sew a couple of outfits and sort through those I don't need and sell them off.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
[Photo Story]: Take me with you

Just a small photo story I did while taking a break from learning, because Damie felt neglected these days. For some reason, which I forgot, I had my mug from work at home so he decided to climb in so I would take him with me tomorrow. I took the photos with my phone and quickly edited them in Line camera.
Tomorrow is my final exam. Freedom awaits. Whohooo!
Please excuse Damie's English, he does try his best ☺
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