Trying to escape both the boredom of a class field trip and the mean comments of his classmates, Morgan ran, escaped to the woods close to the camp.

He wondered around for hours, enjoying the grass under his bare feet, the silence.

Deep in a forest, an old cabin could be found surrounded by a small field of clover. It was unlike anything Morgan has seen until now in the concrete jungles he visited.

Fascinated by the flora around him, Morgan wanted to feel the texture of everything, not knowing or caring much whether or not they were poisoned.

His ignorance cost him. He pricked his finger on the wild plant and got lightheaded, which led to his fainting soon enough.

Hours passed before he woke up...

... confused by his surrounding. The woods looked different. It could be the effect of the poison, but something felt wrong.

He felt numb, drowsy. He stood up...

... trying to take a few steps. It felt weird, as if he was walking on clouds, not the grass he could clearly see under his feet.

He laid down. The trees spinning around him...

But sleep slowly engulfed him...

... in the dark forest, on the cold grass...

... he remained sleeping.
The end...
Behind the Scenes:

Last photo of Morgan's week and I'm really happy I managed to do something bigger. Now I'm trying to decide on who to do next.
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